Sunday, July 09, 2006

baby seal at breakwater, james bay

the girls told me that the baby seal was waiting for its Mom, who was away to search food for the baby, and it could be hours of waiting (the girls had alreay been there with the baby seal for an hour when i got there) ! to me, i saw the truly turst between the Mom and the babyseal.

a wire pole on fort street

a zest to life

Thursday, July 06, 2006

i hate fly

ng ng ng they fly
shoo shoo shoo i flap, they die

Monday, July 03, 2006

melancholy rocco

i have always wondered that if rocco is suffering from bipolar disorder because he can act extremely excited in the morning and surprisingly depressed in the evening!!! only god knows what's happened to him!!!

the book i am reading now

i am on page 120 now. it's an interesting novel, and it
reminds me of my travelling in san francisco. i miss the gourmet pizza store near the cable car terminal on market street.
~drooling now~

dinner in the back yard

Sunday, July 02, 2006

3 pieces of artwork of liz's

a snapshot of victoria

june 27, 2006